Paul "Emoticon" Laurentine

Cost: 398 : 398 = 115 + 283


Cost   Stat   Value  
3   STR   13
21   DEX   17
10   CON   15
0   BOD   10
4   INT   14
20   EGO   20
20   PRE   25
5   COM   20
2   PD   5
1   ED   4
13   SPD   4
6   REC   9
4   END   38
6   STN   30
0   Run   6"
0   Swim   2"

Rolls: Dex 12- Int 12- Ego 13- Per 14-
Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12


Cost   Power   END  
47   Multipower 70, all ultras, -1/2 Reverse Line of Sight
3   Mind Control: 9d6, +1/4 Telepathic, +1/4 1/2 END, -1/2 Emotions Only, -1/2 Reverse LoS   4
3   Mind Control: 6d6, +1 Area Effect (radius), +1/4 Telepathic, -1/2 Emotions Only, -1/2 Reverse LoS   7
3   Ego Attack: 5d6, -1/2 Reverse LoS   5
1   Telepathy: 4d6, -1/2 Broadcast Only, -1/2 Reverse LoS   2
2   Transform: 2d6, +1 BoECV, +1 Any Change, +3/4 Invisibles Power Effects (all but Mental), +1/2 Cumulative, +1/2 vs. EGO, -1/2 Emotions Only, -1/2 Reverse LoS   5
2   Aid: 3d6, +1 aids END and STUN, +1 BoECV, +3/4 Invisible Power Effects (all but Mental), +1/2 0 END, -1/2 Reverse LoS, -1 Side Effect (3d6 Drain vs. CON, +1 recovers at 1 Active Point/hour)   0
48   Mystery defensive power (Missile Reflection? Mind Control?)
13   Mental Defense: 17
3   Hand Attack: 2d6, -1 OAF (cane)   1
13   Flight 10", OIF jetpack   0
8   Armor 4/4, OIF bodysuit without special joint protection   0
2   (5) Radio Hearing and Transmit, OIF, shortwave only   0
2   (5) Flash Defense Sight 3, Hearing 2, OAF helmet   0
2   Perk - Diplomatic Immunity (ablative)


Cost   Skill   Level  
3   Acrobatics   12-
3   Breakfall   12-
3   Conversation   14-
3   High Society   11-
3   Interrogation   14-
3   Leadership   14-
3   KS: Martial World   12-
3   KS: Medieval History   12-
3   KS: Savate   12-
3   Oratory   14-
3   Paramedic   12-
3   Persuasion   14-
3   PS: Knighthood   12-
3   Riding   12-
3   Seduction   14-
3   Stealth   12-
3   Survival (Arctic)   12-
1   TF: Jetpacks
4   Sacrifice Kick: +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +3d6
4   Martial Dodge: +5 DCV
4   Martial Block: +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4   Low Kick (coup de pied bas): +2 DCV, STR +2d6
5   Side Kick (coup de pied chasse): -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6
5   Jab/cross (direct): +1 OCV, +3 DCV, STR
4   Hook (crochet): +2 OCV, STR +2d6, usable with cane
4   Martial Disarm: -1 OCV, +1 DCV, +10 STR Disarm
3   Footsweep: +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR +1d6, target falls
0   French [5] (native)
2   German [2]
2   English [3]
2   Latin [3]
2   Russian [2]
2   Japanese [1]
3   Well Connected
1   Contact: 11-, International Herald-Tribune stringer
3   Contact: 13-, UN bureaucrat
4   Teamwork: +2
6   Perception: +2
10   HtH: 2 levels
5   DCV: 1 level
0   Potential (of 25)


Attack   OCV DCV Damage   Notes
Ego Attack   7 - 5d6   vs. Ego
Mind Control   7 - 9d6   vs. Ego
Sacrifice Kick   8 6 6d6
Martial Dodge   - 12 -
Martial Block   8 9 -   Block
Low Kick (coup de pied bas)   6 9 5d6
Side Kick (coup de pied chasse)   4 8 7d6
Direct (jab/cross)   7 10 3d6/5d6   usable with cane
Hook (crochet)   8 7 5d6/7d6   usable with cane
Disarm   5 8 -   Disarm at 25 STR (35 STR w/cane)
Footsweep   8 6 4d6   Target falls


Cost   Disadvantage  
128   Experience Spent
25   Potential Realized
10   Public ID - Paul Laurentine
5   Watched: French government
10   Watched: UN
10   Watched: Uncle's spies, 8-
20   Normal Characteristic Maxima
15   Psych Lim: code against killing
15   Psych Lim: patriotic
10   Psych Lim: code of romantic chivalry
10   DNPC: Parents
5   Rival: La Chat
10   Enraged: danger to women, 11-, 14-
25   Mystery disad



Emoticon is a seventeen year old French projective empath. His parents are high in French society; his mother has been a queen of the Parisian social scene for 20 years, and his father has served the French government on the diplomatic front (in varying capacities) for even longer. His home life has been moderately spoiled, and he's been raised to be strongly patriotic.

His powers manifested (you know what's coming) at puberty. His parents provided him with the best tutelage available in their use, which is to say probably not much. Still, he's had three years to work at it. At present, he's still limited by having to use the glyphs to project emotions; all of his powers except the mental defense require them. The glyphs look like abstract runes, in varying degrees of brightness. They do not photograph or videotape, and often people who have seen them describe them differently. He can pull off just about any emotion, but he can't do words.

His secret dream is to return France to her rightful place as leader of the world's nations, with an Order of Chivalry as the soul of France. He is not in the least warlike, however; it is his firm opinion that by showing the world the sterling traits of a Frenchman all will come to appreciate the potential of French leadership. He is a loon, but he is a loon who will work well with others by virtue of his lunacy.

Hook potential: his interest in knighthood has been encouraged by his father's older brother (Uncle Georges), who is one of those somewhat mysterious people who thrive in unclear government roles. It was this uncle who provided him with fencing and riding lessons, and it may have been this uncle who arranged for him to join UN PEACE.


Henri Rober is the bureaucrat; he's French, which is how Paul met him originally. He is currently living in Geneva, with his wife and ten year old son -- Paul's spent some time with the son in between hospital visits. Henri is about 45, pudgy, adores his wife and family. He's as good at his job as you feel appropriate.

His off-hours interests are football and, like all good Frenchmen, food. His wife is an adequate cook but Henri would never admit that she's anything short of excellent.

It's possible that he's also working for Uncle Georges, if you feel like planting that hook. Paul likes him enough so that he'd feel obliged to help him if anything happened to his family. Paul's such a softie... oh, and he probably also knows Paul's dad.

Jack McCrea is a hard-hitting stringer for the International Herald- Tribune, who specializes in superhuman affairs. He's not a bad writer but he hasn't had an in, and it's been hard for him to get good stories particularly since he's based out of Europe -- most of the good stuff happens in the US, right? So he's 35, feeling edgy about where his career is going, and hungry.

Paul met him at one of the press conferences following Aleks' death, and being savvy enough to sense some hunger, decided to cultivate him as a contact -- he's willing to feed Jack info as possible. In the last couple of weeks, he leaked that a new Team One was forming and mentioned that there may be a team of superhumans with corporate sponsorship operating on the shady side of the law (probably not too useful a tip without more info, that last, but Paul wants Jack to be keeping an eye out for it).

Jack's from the US, and unmarried.


Real Date   Game Date   Exp.   Title   Events  
11/30/96   10/26/96   0   PEACE in Our Time   saving SecGen in NYC, no Emoticon  
01/11/97   10/28/96   4   PEACE of Cake   Rwanda, Key's funeral  
02/28/97   12/13-15/96   3   PEACE of Mind   Kunashiri, Japan, no Navy  
03/14/97   12/20-24/96   2   PEACE With Honor   Washington, DC  
04/04/97   12/24/96   2   PEACE on Earth: Good Lord, What's That?   NYC Party  
04/11/97   n/a   3 (Pot.)   -   Initial version of UN PEACE page  
04/11/97   12/31/96   4   PEACE of the Puzzle   Battle over Time Square  
04/26/97   01/01/97   3   Bits and PEACEs   Battle at the parade  
05/09/97   01/14/97   4   PEACEmeal Solutions   Death of Kryton  
05/23/97   01/30/97   -   Rest in PEACE I   Rime's Birthday, Arctic Part I  
06/05/97   02/14/97   6   Rest in PEACE II   Arctic II, Valentine's Day  
06/19/97   03/21/97   3   PEACE Porridge Pol Pot   Poaching Pol Pot  
07/04/97   04/01/97   4   Crossover!   Attack on Academy HQ  
07/18/97   04/04/97   3   PEACE Breaks Out   NEST rescue  
08/08/97   05/30/97   3   PEACEs of Eight   Wavemistress and the Titanic  
08/09/97   05/29/97   2   Sweet Sixteen   Visit to Academy  
09/04/97   06/15/97   1   First Kiss   Date with Dianna  
09/05/97   07/04/97   4   Blown to PEACEs   Saving the President  
09/12/97   07/06/97   4   One PEACE At A Time   Ceremonial & Oval Office  
09/28/97   07/14/97   3   Securing A Lasting PEACE   Saving the Security Council  
10/10/97   08/02/97   3   A Separate PEACE   Aleks' wedding  
10/11/97   08/09/97   0   Rime and Emoticon   Terrible trio tries for jetpacks  
10/25/97   08/11/97   2   Mentalist Meltdown   Spike, Peter, and Paul vs. Mr. Blank  
10/24/97   08/18/97   3   PEACE and Harmony   Navy retires, Harmony joins  
11/07/97   08/19/97   2   PEACEful River   Attacked in hospital by terrorists  
11/21/97   09/01/97   2   PEACEful Dreams   Recruiting in the Congo  
12/12/97   09/03/97   2   Broken PEACE   Staged fight in South Africa  
12/19/97   10/30/97   3   PEACE of the Grave I   South Sea pirates  
01/02/98   10/30/97   4   PEACE of the Grave II   Taking it to the pirates  
01/14/98   11/12/97   3   Visualize Whirled PEACE   Dancehall Crashers and Corn Silk Woman  
01/30/98   11/24/97   3   UNsettled   Fort Cheer  
02/06/98   11/27/97   1   UNderpowered   B-Team rescues A-Team  
02/20/98   12/17/97   2   UNfinished Business   Mucking around, downtime  
02/27/98   12/20/97   2   UNsinkable   Titanic opening  
03/13/98   12/27/97   3   UNsettling   Nazi war criminal  
03/27/98   01/01/98   4   UNexpected   Battling the Eiffel Tower  
04/10/98   01/31/98   2   UNderground   Aleks happens upon the Eurovillains, in a cave  
04/24/98   02/02/98   3   UNdone   Olympics; fought Russians  
05/08/98   02/28/98   4   UNcovered   Saved Paris from nuclear destruction  
05/29/98   03/15/98   3   UNdersea   Recovered Nazi submarine  
06/04/98   04/01/98   4   UNleashed   Nanotech in Antarctic  
06/13/98   04/19/98   2   UNdercooked   Iron Chef w/Black August  
06/22/98   04/24/98   3   UNdead   Aleks returns!  
06/26/98   05/01/98   2   UNquestioned   Bulgaria, Monaco, Geneva -- downtime  
07/17/98   05/05/98   3   UNyielding   Arctic, plane retrieval  
07/31/98   05/08/98   3   UNfrozen   Midori's choice  
08/14/98   05/13/98   -   UNwise, Part I   Paraguay investigations  
08/28/98   05/18/98   5   UNwise, Part II   Further investigations, revival  
11/20/98   05/24/98   3   UNearthed   Saving the Secretary General & La Chat  
12/04/98   06/11/98   2   UNdetected   Battle at the World Cup  
12/19/98   07/21/98   3   UNder Fire   Assassination attempt, and Lenin's Ghost  

Total: 136
Unspent: 8


Points   Date   Purchase  
3   04/11/97   Potential (from UN PEACE Web page)  
4   04/25/97   Bought Emotions Only limitation (in multipower) down to Variable Limitation (2 exp, 1 Potential, 1 Potential Realized)  
2   04/25/97   1 level teamwork (UN PEACE only)  
2   04/25/97   1 level perception/sight  
5   05/09/97   1 HtH combat skill level  
6   05/09/97   +5 Presence w/END cost (2 exp, 2 Potential, 2 Potential Realized)  
1   05/09/97   +2 Comeliness  
1   05/21/97   2d6 Ego Attack  
4   05/21/97   increased multipower pool  
1   05/21/97   removed non-selective from AE Mind Control  
   05/21/97   above three: 2 exp, 2 Potential, 2 Potential Realized  
2   06/19/97   1 level teamwork (UN PEACE only)  
2   06/19/97   1 level perception/sight  
3   07/04/97   Stealth, 12-  
1   07/04/97   English to fluent  
2   07/18/97   1 level perception/sight  
1   08/08/97   Projective telepathy  
2   08/08/97   Psychic surgery transform  
3   08/08/97   Interrogation  
4   08/08/97   Bought off END cost on extra PRE  
2   08/08/97   +2 STR  
   08/08/97   above five: 4 exp., 4 Potential, 4 Potential Realized  
1   09/05/97   +1 STR  
5   09/05/97   1 HtH Combat Level  
2   09/27/97   Bought back 1" running  
0   09/27/97   Basic conversation in Russian (point came from accounting error on English -- paid as if unrelated to French)  
3   09/27/97   Well Connected (1 exp., 1 Potential, 1 Potential Realized)  
2   09/27/97   +1 CON  
1   10/10/97   1 point Russian  
2   10/23/97   Paramedic 10-  
3   10/23/97   Sacrifice strike  
4   10/23/97   Gas mask & flash defense (expanded UN PEACE package)  
2   10/24/97   +1 CON  
1   10/24/97   +1 ED  
2   10/24/97   +2 STUN  
-2   11/07/97   Unbought +1 Perception  
4   11/21/97   Martial Dodge  
1   12/12/97   +1d6 to sacrifice strike  
1   12/12/97   Flash Defense: Sound in UN PEACE package  
1   12/19/97   Breakfall 8-  
1   12/19/97   +1d6 Ego Attack  
2   01/02/98   1" Running  
1   01/14/98   Paramedic 12-  
1   01/14/98   Breakfall 12-  
1   01/25/98   Acrobatics 8-  
2   02/20/98   Acrobatics 12-  
4   02/20/98   Martial Block  
   02/20/98   above two: 2 exp., 2 Potential, 2 Potential Realized  
2   03/10/98   END/STUN Aid  
2   04/27/98   Multipower to 70 points  
1   04/27/98   +1 to Mental Defense  
   04/27/98   above two: 1 exp., 1 Potential, 1 Potential Realized  
0   05/08/98   +1d6 Ego Attack  
0   05/08/98   +1d6 Mind Control  
2   05/29/98   1" Running  
1   05/29/98   1" Swimming  
2   05/29/98   +1 DEX (savings from SPD buyback)  
3   05/29/98   KS: Savate  
2   05/29/98   +4 END  
3   05/29/98   +3 STUN  
4   05/31/98   Coup de pied bas (low kick)  
4   05/31/98   Crochet (hook)  
3   05/31/98   Footsweep  
1   05/31/98   Use art (savate) w/cane  
3   05/31/98   Contact (UN bureaucrat, 13-)  
1   05/31/98   Contact (Int'l Herald-Tribune columnist, 11-)  
5   05/31/98   Enraged to 11- activation roll  
   05/31/98   above 7: 7 exp., 7 Potential, 7 Potential Realized  
3   05/31/98   Cane: 2d6 HA, OAF  
5   06/13/98   Coup de pied chasse (side kick)  
5   06/13/98   Direct (jab/cross)  
4   06/13/98   Disarm  
1   06/13/98   +1 Mental Defense  
   06/13/98   above 4: 5 exp., 5 Potential, 5 Potential Realized  
2   06/26/98   +1 DEX (2 points, buyback SPD)  
3   06/26/98   KS: Martial World  
2   06/26/98   Japanese: basic conversation  
5   08/14/98   +1 DCV (5 pt. combat level)  
7   08/14/98   bought off variable limitation on multipower  
1   08/14/98   1d6 Ego Blast, bought off x2 END  
2   12/09/98   Bought Perception levels up to 3 points, as per BBB  
3   12/09/98   Bought Leadership 14-  
3   12/09/98   Bought Survival 14-  

Total: 178 (128 experience, 25 Potential, 25 Potential Realized)